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Lowongan PT. Freeport Indonesia Terbaru

Lowongan PT. Freeport Indonesia Terbaru
Lowongan Kerja, - PT. Freeport Indonesia adalah salah satu perusahaan tambang emas yang sudah terkenal di Indonesia,  PT Freeport Indonesia memiliki tugas dalam menambang, memproses dan melakukan eksplorasi terhadap bijih yang mengandung tembaga, emas, dan perak. PT Freeport Indonesia saat ini beroperasi pada daerah yang berdataran tinggi di kabupaten Mimika, provinsi Papua, Indonesia. Freeport Indonesia memasarkan konsentrat yang mengandung tembaga, emas dan perak ke seluruh penjuru dunia. PT. Freeport Indonesia kini ingin melebarkan di Indonesia

Baca Juga  Cek Daftar Gaji Karyawan PT Freeport Indonesia di

PT. Freeport Indonesia saat ini sedang membuka peluang bekerja untuk kalian yang berminat bisa mengisi dalam posisi sebagai berikut :
Urgently Required / Dibutuhkan Segera :

About the job Finance & Accounting, Chief Account Receivables (Operation)

Coordinate End-to-End Process on Account Receivables activities, maintain collection as well as act as problem solving to ensure the account receivables are collected within due date.

The key duties and responsibilities of this position are:


  • Lead the A/R activities in reviewing, verifying and checking Account Receivable Collected, Maintaining Cash Advance from Customer, supporting back up, correct amount, and processed on timely manner according to the company policies and procedures.
  • Lead the A/R Activities in direct control on performing proper timely reconciliation for customer balance.
  • Review and analyze any problem arise to provide solution according to the company procedures, including provide recommendation to superior for problem-solving.
  • Review any sales invoice to customer and ensure the proper VAT on the invoice, proper GL account code and invoice due date.
  • Monitor the collectability of the sales receivable and recordation.
  • Build and maintain communication with customer, related departments and parties to support the activity required and smooth the activity implementation.
  • Compile and prepare reporting (such as AR Aging Report) and perform analysis if there is any long overdue balance and action required to solve the issue.
  • Review and develop to Reconciliation of Account Receivable Sub Ledger Accounts to monitor the accuracy of account receivable entries and determine the necessity for correction.
  • Communicate and reconcile AR position with customer by performing SoA Reconciliation on monthly basis.


  1. Review on request for new vendor bank information request or modification.
  2. Coordinate with user and vendor and NAV vendor data base for vendor bank information request or modification.
  3. Perform special project or assignment from superior to support the project completion and assist department in achievement target and objectives.

The key challenges in this position include:

  • Providing report that should be readily available while still keeping accuracy standard to fulfill government and other users' requirements by making good coordination with subordinates and other parties.
  • Analyze the complex data, in order to get reliable data for making planning and evaluation to better decision-making for best interests of Management.
  • Describing the fluctuation analysis in detailed transaction and summarize in readable, reliable and clear report for management's review.
  • Strong understanding of accounting and reporting standards such as US GAAP, Indo GAAP, IAS and IFRS.
  • Strong understanding of FCPA and government and tax regulations related to company's business.
  • The incumbent should be able to instill the departments vision and mission into each staff in the section.
  • The incumbent should be able to prevent any kind of issues incurred within his/her area that will negatively impact the company's business.
  • The incumbent should be able to select/place the right people in each position within his area in order to maximize the value of its section.

The background, education, and work experience needed to succeed in this job are:

Minimum Education & Experience

- S-1(bachelor) in Majoring Management/Accounting. Has deep knowledge in internal control function and related regulation with Companys business such as FCPA, government and tax regulation and has minimum at least 5-7 years experiences in finance and accounting of a multinational company or a managerial position as an internal/external auditor with a proven managerial skills and work experience in the international public accounting firm.

Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)
  • Fluent in English and Bahasa.
  • Good computer skills
  • Good communication skills
  • Has strong cognitive thinking to be able to solve problems.
  • Has good managerial and organizational skill to lead the section.
  • Has good interpersonal skill to be able to deal with banks and other external parties.
  • Strong motivation and independent creativity in approach to solving any task given.
  • Experiences with SAP Financial system
  • Good knowledge of PSAK and IFRS
  • Other standard and mandatory competencies.

Deadline: 11 February 2024

Jika kalian sesuai dengan kualifikasi diatas, silahkan datang langsung dengan membawa lamaran lengkap dan CV ke alamat :
PT. Freeport Indonesia
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Sumber : PT. Freeport Indonesia

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