Lowongan Kerja Perum Perumnas Terbaru
Lowongan Kerja, Lokeryai.id - Perum Perumnas adalah salah satu usaha yang sudah terkenal di Indonesia. Kedai Perum Perumnas kini membuka peluang karir untuk tenaga profesional yang ingin bergabung
Perum Perumnas saat ini sedang membuka peluang bekerja untuk kalian yang berminat bisa mengisi dalam posisi sebagai berikut :
Urgently Required / Dibutuhkan Segera :
Marketing and Sales Manager
Lok. Maros Makassar (Professional Contract)
To seize the opportunity, you should be/have:
Under the age of 40 years old, possessing an attractive appearance
At least a bachelor degree majoring in either marketing/sales/management/business/communication/economy
At least 5 years experience in sale and marketing
Excellent in communication, presentation and negotiation
Ability and experience as a leader, and able to lead team leasing & casual leasing in a large quantities
Ability in establishing marketing packing products, assigning price and creating concepts
A wide networking in commercial industry and tenant candidate’s database, also having connections with commercial consultant or agent
Able to work under pressure in order to achieve targets given
Lok. Maros Makassar (Professional Contract)
To seize the opportunity, you should be/have:
Under the age of 40 years old, possessing an attractive appearance
At least a bachelor degree majoring in either marketing/sales/management/business/communication/economy
At least 5 years experience in sale and marketing
Excellent in communication, presentation and negotiation
Ability and experience as a leader, and able to lead team leasing & casual leasing in a large quantities
Ability in establishing marketing packing products, assigning price and creating concepts
A wide networking in commercial industry and tenant candidate’s database, also having connections with commercial consultant or agent
Able to work under pressure in order to achieve targets given
Jika kalian sesuai dengan kualifikasi diatas, silahkan kirimkan lamaran lengkap dan CV (Daftar Riwayat Hidup) ke alamat :
Perum Perumnas
Selengkapnya di https://bit.ly/2IhNGaz
Contoh - Contoh Format Surat Lamaran Kerja cek di
Berkas - Berkas Yang Harus Anda Lengkapi Bisa Cek di Bawah Ini
PENGUMUMAN Lokeryai.id !!!
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