Back To 90'S A Thematic Bazaar Prsented By IMMANTA - Halo kak, berikut kami lampirkan postingan kami yang terdiri dari 2 foto, beserta captionnya. Terima kasih kak :)
What's up good people? A thematic bazaar I-PHORIA PROJECT presented by IMMANTA will be back next month. With a concept that will take us back to the old times, "Back to 90's". We invite you all the local shops in town to join us at this great annual thematic bazaar that will take place at Parking Lot of Campus 2, Universitas Tarumanagara, March 19th to 21st 2018.
Send your brand profile - with I-PHORIA PROJECT as the subject.
For further information:
Theofilus - 081908839333 / Line ID: elnissi
Arif - 081289821997 / Line ID: arifwitra
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#IPHORIAPROJECT2018 #BackTo90s #callingalltenants #retro #bazaar #bazaarjkt #infobazaar #eventjkt #bazaarkampus #eventkampus #immanta
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