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The Benefits Of Technology For Learning English

The Benefits Of Technology For Learning English 
Edukasi, infokyai.comThe Benefits Of Technology For Learning English
Introductory Paragraph

THESIS STATEMENT : Advances in technology have many advantages as in the world of English education you can learn english  via  online,  translate  it  quickly  and practically,  know the right pronunciation  and  the last is you can train your listening skills.

Body Paragraph 1
The first benefit of technology is it can help you in learning english via online.
1.      Don’t need to leave the house.
2.      Don’t need to spend many costs.

Body Paragraph 2
The second benefits of  technology is  you can  translate  english  quicker  and more practical.
1.      Practical process.
2.      Fast process.

Body Paragraph 3
The third benefits of technology is you can know english pronunciation.
1.      Save a time.
2.      Be pratical.

Body Paragraph 4
The fourth benefits of technology is it can help you in training english listening skills.
1.      Save costs
2.      Simple process

CONCLUSION : In brief, in a modern era  all  fast  paced,  if you are typical  
of a  simple person, you can use  sophisticated  technology   to  facilitate your

life, for instance in the world of education, the benefit of technology can help you in learning English via online, it can help you in translating english quicker and more practical, it can help you in knowing english pronunciation, and the last it can help you in training english listening skills.

The Benefits Of Technology For Learning English

            In  this  modern  era,  the  advances  of  technology  is  very precious. It  started  from  immemorial  in  primitive  era  until  this  modern  era.  All development in  technology  has  many  benefits, such  as  everybody  in the world of modern era can get news in 1 second. It’s different from  people in  primitive era who could  spend  a long time  to  get the  news. 

Have  you ever used this technology of sophistication to facilitate  your  life activities,  The  development  of  technology  makes  us  easier  to the them, such as in the world of  education. It uses  technology to  learn english  via  online,  translate  english  quicker  and more practical,  know english pronunciation  and  the last is train english listening skills.

.           The first  benefit  of  technology  is  you can  learn  english via online. You can use Let's Talk Application  

The  impact  of  a sophisticated technology  ,  is it can  facilitate your activities in your  life,  such  as  the  benefit  of  technology in learning english online. You do  not need  to  leave  the  house and you can learn english anytime and anywhere  through computer  or  handphone. And  then,  by  learning  english online, you can  learn without  seeing  a  teacher. It is  because learning english  online  through   internet  can help you to  interact. Although the distance  between   teacher   and   student   is   far  away,  it  is the benefit of technology.  So,  you  do  not   need   to   spend   more  costs,   like   to   pay transportation,  teacher,  food  and  etc. You only have to pay the  cost  of  the internet, so it is more economical.

Tutorial Let's Talk Application 

            The second benefit of technology is you can translate english quicker and more practical. English is the international language, if you are a student you certainly learn english. You can use Google Translate Application 

From elementary school until work you all probably use the English language, although you don’t use it actively, but sometime you may use it. If you know, translating English to Indonesia looks easier. You must know before technology progress is like this now translating English to Indonesia is very hard. Nevertheless, blessing someone creativity the thing’s about translating English to Indonesia to be an easy problem.  The benefit of technology now for learning English like to invention Google Translate, BING and etc. The creation can help you in translating english quicker and more practical. You can translate English to Indonesia quicker, you do not need to spend a long time is is very practical. Then you can fast translate English to Indonesia without opening English dictionary.

Tutorial Google Translate Application :

            The third benefit of technology is you can know English pronunciation. You can use Cambirdge Application

Have you knowing that English pronunciation sounds easy, even though someone said differently. In an English lesson, pronunciation is the second thing after the structure that must be controlled. We are often confused by pronunciation, it sounds the same but what someone actually  said is different. The development of technology advanced one of the things, that helps us is the creation of a wide range of applications makes it easier for our lives. One of the application of learning is about learning English is easy. When we turn themselves in trouble is we can use the application of English as Line translate. Usuall we spend a lot of time in the problem is we can now it will save your time by using the application Line translate. Line translate very helpful in learning English a more practical. Learning to be more practical this is lesson that efficient.

Tutorial Cambirdge Application :

            The fourth benefit of technology is it can help you in training English listening skills. You can use 

In learning English listening skills including capital goods in learning. When we learn English we still find it difficult to get in listening trouble. In the modern era, we have a lot of helpful technology one of them in learn. Everyone is required to follow the developments in the era like studing. Education is one of the main in the modern era. If a person is not required to education, then the person will be left behind. Indonesia is one of the developing countries. In every public it was required to master English language, because in the year 2015, Indonesia including free market countries. From the advancement of technology we can better save the cost for education. Then the other we can in a simple process of learn.

Tutorial This Application :

            In brief, in a modern era  all  fast  paced,  if you are typical  of a  simple person, you can use  sophisticated  technology   to  facilitate your life, such as in the world of education, the benefit of technology can help you in learning English via online, it can help you in translating english quicker and more practical, it can help you in knowing english pronunciation, and the last it can help you in training english listening skills.

By Putra Mau

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